On Friday 29th September, the 9th Colloquium on Genetics, organized by the Genetic Society of Slovenia (GSS) in cooperation with Slovenian Society of Human Genetics (SSHG) took place at the Marine Biology Station Piran. The colloquium was aimed at presenting the results of the work of young researchers working in different fields of genetics such as microbial, animal, plant and human genetics. The focus has been on species conservation and the phylogenetic patterns of extinct cattle during the Pleistocene. A lot of research was devoted also to antibiotic resistance, cancer research and the genetic properties of hops and industrial hemp. The young researchers presented their work in short oral presentations and posters. The jury selected the three best oral presentations and the three best poster presentations for prizes.
Oral presentations:
1st prize (150€): Špela Mikec, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
2nd prize (125 €): Tim Božič, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana
3rd prize (100 €): Anja Pavlin, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
Poster presentations:
1st prize (100 €): Tilen Komel, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana
2nd prize (75€): Hana Flajnik, Biotechnical Faculty, University of Ljubljana
3rd prize (50€): Iva Šantek, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana